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Levels of Classes


There will be something for everyone.


There will be a wide variety of workshops available during the day. The length of time for each will be one hour with additional time for questions and discussion. There are four possible venues so at the fullest we will be able to offer sixteen - that is 16!  - possible choices. Class sizes will be limited due to space and to guarantee attention to each participant.



All levels of ability will be able to find the right workshop so that boredom and/or frustration should be at a minimum or, better yet, non-existant. Levels for each class will be included in the description and will refer to the following categories:



Beginner: A student at this level is brand-new to the ukulele. He/she has perhaps learned one to three chords but stops in-between chord changes to move the fingers to the next location.



Advanced beginner: A student at this level knows a handful of chords and can move from one chord to another without pausing. Student may have trouble with, say, the B-flat chord shape (the C chord in D6 Tuning). Student has learned a strum or two and/or a finger pattern for picking.



Intermediate: A student at this level can hold a steady rhythm and is competent with a variety of basic chords. Understands simple chord progressions (such as I, IV, V chords), can sing and strum at the same time, and learns chords to simple tunes fairly quickly.



Advanced: A student at this level can hear I, IV, and V chords, has mastered some chord inversions, knows there is life above the fifth fret, and has been there with barre or 4-fingered closed chords. Plays lead and backup easily with others and keeps steady rhythm.

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